Press Release - Bredesen Named Villain for Tennessee's "Predator Friendly" Status

Date: Sept. 14, 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Issues: Immigration

Press Release - Bredesen Named Villain for Tennessee's "Predator Friendly" Status

Tennessee 1 of 10 safe havens for child molesters in bipartisan list

(NASHVILLE, TN) - A national audience last night saw and heard news commentator Bill O'Reilly name Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen as the "villain" for making Tennessee 1 of 10 "Predator Friendly" states who refuse to implement Jessica's Law.

"Ten states flat out refuse [to get tough on child molesters]", said O'Reilly. "No minimum prison terms for child sex crimes. Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen doesn't seem to care."

"One of the reasons I am running for Governor is that I support laws that are tougher than Jessica's Law and Phil Bredesen has refused to fund them," said Sen. Bryson. "We have a multi-million dollar surplus yet we are a national joke because our Governor won't fund prison time for child molesters. When I am Governor, Tennessee will be a model for how to punish those who violate the innocence of our most vulnerable citizens."

Earlier this year, state Senators, including Senator Bryson, tried to make a capital offense of killing a child during an attempted rape or rape. In budget talks, Governor Bredesen refused to support it.

"When Jim Bryson is Governor, 49 states will look to Tennessee as a model for punishing child molesters," said Bryson spokesman Lance Frizzell. "Just as he has led on removing criminal illegal immigrants from our state, he will lead on removing pedophiles from our midst. No amount of Bredesen spin can change national rankings."
